The Blytheville City Council's Finance and Purchasing Committee is scheduled to meet at 5:15 p.m. Monday in the Municipal Courtroom.
A proposal to raise property taxes 1 mill is expected to be among several items discussed.
On Tuesday night, the Blytheville City Council tabled a measure that would increase the property tax rate from 4 mills to 5 mills in 2013, payable in 2014. Under the proposal, the General Fund (maintenance and operations) rate would be 4.0 mills, instead of the current 3.0, while the firemen's pension and policemen's pension would remain at 0.5 mills each.
The Council tabled the millage resolution to get a better understanding of what the extra 1 mill would be used for by the city.
City Clerk Connie Mosley has said the Council must set the millage rate by Nov. 1. Because the next regular Council meeting isn't until Nov. 19, the city's governing body will have to call a special meeting to beat the millage rate deadline.