September 20, 2013

The entrance way to Blytheville Public Works from Ash and 10th streets will be closed from 6-10 a.m. Monday for roadway and utility repair enhancements, according to Blytheville Public Works Director Marvin Crawford.

The entrance way to Blytheville Public Works from Ash and 10th streets will be closed from 6-10 a.m. Monday for roadway and utility repair enhancements, according to Blytheville Public Works Director Marvin Crawford.

The only access to the facility will be from the 11th Street/Sycamore Street entranceway.

Also, Broadway Street, south of Ash Street, will be closed on Monday and Tuesday between 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. each day for construction improvements.

For more information, contact Crawford at Public Works.
