First and foremost, I want to say a big thank-you to the city of Blytheville, Ark.
I was on my way back home to Lincoln, Neb., from Jackson, Miss., where I attend my father's funeral when I came to Osceola, Ark. I was having some trouble with my car, so we stopped there and had my car repaired. But while it was been repaired, my son, my grandson and myself walked down the street to the pawn shop. When we entered, I spoke, because that is just the way I was raised. Unlike the people that were inside that shop -- those men did not say a word, and looked at me like I was the dog poo he had just stepped in. But I didn't say anything; I still wanted to look around, and I was still willing to buy something. I was looking at his jewelry -- no one ever asked me if I wanted any help or offered me anything at all. He just reminded me why I left the South. I just couldn't believe that this type of prejudice is still going on -- after all it is 2013. Maybe a black person has done something to hurt his feelings or stole something from him. I don't know, but man, things still should change, and you should not treat people the way that man did my family.
So I walked away and went back to my car until it was fixed.
Then we stopped in your great city (Blytheville). It is just like going from day to night. That was such a great visit, even though all I did was go to Walmart and Burger King. Everybody was so friendly. They were smiling. Most of all, I was treated like a person not a n*****, like I was in Osceola.
Thanks, Blytheville. Keep up the great work!