Letter to the Editor

Living conditions unbearable at Clear Lake apartments

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

To the editor:

I am again writing to you in reference to the living situation of the senior citizen apartments on Clear Lake Road. The last time I wrote that I was in a state of outrage because of the living conditions we as senior citizens of Blytheville were and still are enduring in these apartments, and I am even more outraged because no one seems to care about our struggles and pleadings for help.

As I stated before, we as tenants still have to deal with an infestation of bed bugs, roaches, birds falling through the ceiling and now snakes chasing the infestation of rats. Just recently, one of the elderly tenants had to move in with one of his family members because snakes were taking over his apartment and he was told by the Housing Authority manager that she was not going to do anything until she felt like it and no one could make her because she's the one in charge.

Well, I always thought that being in a hired position that you always had someone to answer to for your actions. It does seem that she, Ms. Alexander, is doing just what she stated she would do; and that's what she wants to do. No one in this town, including the leaders we voted for, seem to care about what is going on in this apartment complex.

Our electricity bills are sky high because the air is going straight through the cracks and openings in the walls and ceilings. The living conditions at the Clear Lake senior citizen complex are well below the level of living conditions for any human being, especially those of us who have worked all our lives. I just don't understand how this person can be in charge of millions of dollars and not do the right thing and no one seem to care. It sincerely makes me wonder if its is not the case with other departments of this city.

Ms. Alexander may not answer to anyone on this earth or in this city, but there is a righteous judge (God) that will execute judgment one day. And when He does, then she will know how it feels for your pleadings to be falling on deaf ears. That's right, God will be the judge of it all in the end.

We have asked if it were possible to be moved to better apartments and were told no to that request. I must ask, where is the humanity, love and compassion for our senior citizens of this great city of Blytheville? We have worked all our lives to be productive law-abiding citizens, only to get old and be cast aside like trash. Every human being should be entitled to live comfortable and not have to worry about bugs, rats and now snakes coming in on them. Please take my plea serious and help us with this situation.

Johnnie Stubbs