Letter to the Editor

Local baseball players represent well

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

To the editor:

It seems like all you hear nowadays is how bad kids are. Well, I had the pleasure to travel with a great group of young men this past week, which Blytheville, Armorel, Gosnell and the surrounding area should be proud of.

The Blytheville Cason American Legion Baseball team represented this area proudly on and off the field. We were asked in a restaurant one morning where we were from. The woman asking us told us those were the best behaved and most polite players that had been in to eat. She also said that some of the local kids could take lessons from them. This made me proud to be associated with them.

I would like to thank Coach Blake Burnside for taking time away from his family to coach these young men.

Thank you to everyone who helped, called and texted to see how the team was doing.

Thanks, also, to those that helped the Cason ball team with monetary donations.

Can't wait for next year to see how far they will go.

Jeff Camp