August 6, 2013

Manila City Council met in special session on Wednesday, July 31, to discuss property and the water park/swimming pool. Mayor Wayne Wagner addressed the council about a proposed swap of property at the industrial park. ...

Manila City Council met in special session on Wednesday, July 31, to discuss property and the water park/swimming pool.

Mayor Wayne Wagner addressed the council about a proposed swap of property at the industrial park. He said Southworth, Inc. is in the process of purchasing the former D&S building next to the Southworth facility located on Highway 77. Mayor Wagner said the city owns a 25' driveway between the buildings and Southworth has requested a possible property exchange to allow them access of the driveway.

Council member Tony Hawkins said Southworth has always been good to support the town and expressed his opinion the city should work with them if possible. Councilman Dale Murphy agreed Southworth has always supported the youth and different projects throughout the years they have been in Manila.

Councilman Donnie Wagner made the motion to allow the Mayor to negotiate with Southworth on a swap/exchange for properties that would be fair to the city and to the company.

Mayor Wagner said he would meet with representatives of Southworth and keep the council informed.

The council discussed the swimming pool.

"We can't control the weather," Mayor Wagner said. "The rain has delayed the concrete work and finishing the fence.

Mayor Wagner said the health department will have to do a final walk through, the architect will have to make at least one more walk through, the workers need one dry day to finish the fence, and the concrete workers need a dry day to pour at least the parking area on Lake Street so people can get to the sidewalk.

They agreed all of the parking lot or the street does not have to be completed to open, but at least one parking area needs to be complete.

"We do not want to open until we get a complete okay from the Health Department and the architect," Councilman Linda Donovan said. "We also need a list of anything that needs finishing before we assume control of the pool."

Mayor Wagner stressed the importance of knowing everything is safe and ready for the public before it is open.

"Right now we are not responsible for liability, cleaning, any work needed or electricity costs," Mayor Wagner said.

"I've been out there almost every day," Councilman Murphy said. "It is taking time but it is really looking good and it is going to be very nice."

The council agreed if possible to try to open by Aug. 12. They discussed leaving the pool open through Labor Day in the evenings after school and on weekends.

The proposed cost is $4 for 12 and under and $5 for 13 and over. Once the pool is open the proposed hours will be 12:30-5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1-6 p.m. Sunday.

Some of the rules discussed include:

*Every person who enters the pool area is required to pay.

*Swimmers must take a shower before entering the pool area.

*Anyone leaving the water park must pay to re-enter.

*Anyone under the age of 10 must have adult supervision (over 18); there must be one adult per five children.

*Children in diapers must wear Little Swimmers.

*The city is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

*Swimming attire only -- no cutoffs, no socks and shoes.

*No outside food, drinks, or coolers allowed.

*No running.

*No profanity.

*No PDA.

*No alcohol.

The council discussed stocking only a minimum concession this year. They also discussed ordering the tile for the pool building to be laid during the winter months.

Mayor Wagner said the lifeguards have been trained and will be ready when the pool opens. He said the city workers have worked diligently and have done a good job.
