August 2, 2013

The city of Blytheville is partnering with the county and the Arkansas Department of Corrections to clean up a ditch behind Basin Street.

The county has begun to clean Ditch 37, located behind Basin Street in Blytheville. Pictured are (from left) County Road Superintendent Tony Stone, Blytheville resident Tiffany Morgan, Blytheville City Councilman R.L. Jones, Blytheville residents Thomas Chapman and Janiesha Doss and Mississippi County Judge Randy Carney.
The county has begun to clean Ditch 37, located behind Basin Street in Blytheville. Pictured are (from left) County Road Superintendent Tony Stone, Blytheville resident Tiffany Morgan, Blytheville City Councilman R.L. Jones, Blytheville residents Thomas Chapman and Janiesha Doss and Mississippi County Judge Randy Carney.

The city of Blytheville is partnering with the county and the Arkansas Department of Corrections to clean up a ditch behind Basin Street.

Councilman R.L. Jones, Mississippi County Judge Randy Carney, County Road Superintendent Tony Stone and some area residents looked over some of the work that the county has performed on Ditch 37 thus far.

The county has cleaned out part of the ditch and ADC inmates are expected to finish the work.

"We're all working together, the city, the county and ADC," Carney said of cleaning up Ditch 37, which runs from Sawyer Street to Mississippi Avenue.

Jones added: "We're going to clean up this right of way, the easement, up to this ditch and make it look good."

Jones pointed out residents pay drainage taxes for such work.

"This is doing a service to help the city out and help themselves (the county) out," Jones said. "This is giving the people a relief from all the rodents and different stuff that's in the ditch. They just have all kinds of problems. We're very appreciative to the county, the county judge, and everyone that's taking part in this to clean this ditch up."

Tiffany Morgan, who lives near the ditch, said she is thankful for the cleanup effort, noting vegetation in the area had been harboring snakes and other unwanted pests.

"It's cleaned up and it looks really, really nice," Morgan said.

Carney said the county likes to work with all its municipalities.

"Councilman Jones called and asked us for assistance," he said. "Of course, this is a county ditch; we're glad to help. We appreciate the opportunity to serve and work with Councilman Jones and Mayor Sanders and the city of Blytheville."
