August 2, 2013

Tax-free weekend in the state of Arkansas takes place this Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 3-4, according to the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration.

Tax-free weekend in the state of Arkansas takes place this Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 3-4, according to the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, although some local retailers have chosen to extend the weekend to include Friday as well.

During the weekend, all retailers are required by law to participate and may not charge tax on items which are legally exempt under the holiday. This includes school supplies, art supplies, school instructional materials and clothing, and some clothing accessories.

Several local retailers will be offering special sales to go along with the tax holiday.

Day's Mens Store is offering clearance on spring and summer clothing, and also has a selection of shoes at half-price.

Kenny Burge of Burge's Shoe Center said the store will offer its normal sale items at half-price, and added that the weekend is always a boost in business.

"We do see an uptick in business on that weekend, in fact, yesterday was really really good, and we hope to see that today and Saturday as well," he said.

In addition to clothing, some school supplies will also be available at a local retailer on Main Street -- Mailboxes and Beyond's Toby McClanahan said her store carries school and office supplies which would qualify for the tax exemption.

For a full itemized list of clothing and supplies which will be tax exempt, visit
