I just wanted to thank Elroy Brown for saving the pond at Walker Park and about what he has done for the geese. I've lived here all my life and I adore the park. I used to be a big-time walker back in the day, but due to the violent things that happen sometimes, my husband refuses to let me walk alone now, but occasionally, we will walk together. That's a shame it has to be that way, but it is. But I love the view of the water, the bridge, the geese, the trees. It's very pleasant out there.
I appreciate what he's done on the coalition program. Who would have thought that would happen, period?
Now I want to thank and praise Great River Hospital here in Blytheville for what they have done for my husband. On June 28, they saved his life. They found out what was going on with him, got him stable and sent him by ambulance to St. Bernards at midnight I was so scared and concerned about my husband that I can't think of the nurse practitioner's name, but she was one awesome lady, and you know who you are. All the nurses and everyone got on the ball and found a hospital in Jonesboro, which was not an easy task. Then St. Bernards hospital was awesome as well; it was so many doctors helping my husband that we were overwhelmed.
Now that I praised and thanked some people, now I want to vent a little about something. The street by Hardee's (Hollywood) ... what in the world? And other places around town -- all these weeds even behind our house on Summit -- whose land is this anyway? The farmer, maybe. We have never been able to get anyone to get these weeds out. We begged, we've pleaded -- whats the deal? Now we have come to a point in our life that we cant even control these weeds. My husband has always tried his best -- for 34 years he's tried to keep the weeds down. It's impossible. It's a never-ending thing. We don't ask for much, but my goodness! Folks, can't you get the prisoners to do this? I mean, really, what are they doing? They are in there for a reason, so put them to work, please! Teach them responsibilities so that when they get out they will know what to do and how to act, do you think?
And excuse me for saying this, if I'm wrong, but people, what about the overpass? I mean, all my life we haven't had an overpass. We survived without it. I mean, "come on," just sayin! Don't throw eggs at me! Please fix our streets first, now that's what I'm saying. Houses and stores abandoned ... wouldn't you like to see that down first? Seriously! And plant beautiful flowers everywhere and then people will move here and stay here, don't you think? I would stay if I was looking at this town. And hurry because we need the rest of the people to stay, and one other thing and I will hush: Shame on whomever decided to let our taxes to linger for two more months. That's pitiful. We are already taxed, to a frazzle.
Thank you for listening.