July 30, 2013

KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School recently announced results of its students' test scores on standardized tests.

KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School recently announced results of its students' test scores on standardized tests.

According to the school, 100 percent of its seventh-grade algebra students scored proficient or advanced on the Algebra End-of-Course Exam. Twenty-two students in the Class of 2018 took the course and collectively outperformed the state's 77 percent proficient/advanced average.

This was the first End-of-Course Exam taken by KIPP Blytheville students.

Students are also gearing up in anticipation for the many extra-curricular opportunities at KIPP this fall. Select Choir, Percussion Ensemble and Keyboarding Club will provide students will a variety of after-school music options. For the second year in a row, weekly Book Club meetings will take place at That Bookstore in Blytheville, and Art Club and Odyssey of the Mind will round out the list of after-school enrichment activities.

For those interested in athletics, KIPP Blytheville will have both boys and girls basketball teams, a competitive cheerleading team, a track club and a flag football club.

All of these extra-curricular activities will begin in the fall semester, which starts on Aug. 14. Currently, KIPP students and staff are engaged in summer. This three-week summer session, mandatory for all students, gives everyone a head start on the school year. The shortened day of summer school, 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m., allows students to ease into the extended day schedule, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., while still providing ample time for learning the procedures and culture of KIPP.

If you'd like to learn more about KIPP or enroll your child, call Carla Bivens at 870-780-6333 or come visit the school at 1200 Byrum Road.

