The first Faith and Freedom Fest was held from 6-9 p.m. Saturday, June 29, at the Wayne "Biscuits" Short Field in Lake City.
The event was sponsored by the Lake City Christian Churches and included free admission with food, games, horse rides, archery range, musical entertainment and a special message from U.S. Congressman Rick Crawford.
More than 400 area residents attended the festival from surrounding cities of Lake City, Monette, Caraway, Black Oak, Leachville, Manila, Trumann, Brookland, Bay and Jonesboro. Many brought their lawn chairs and sat in the shade while listening to music by vocal groups and church choirs.
Churches taking part in the festival were Lake City First Baptist, Lake City Pentecostal, Lake City Assembly of God, Refuge Church and Nettleton Worship Center.
The festivities were kicked off by prayer, followed by Wendy Walling singing the National Anthem.
Lake City Mayor Jon Milligan welcomed visitors to the festival and invited them to take part in the games, food and fellowship.
"We only had about six weeks to work on this festival, but the response for help was overwhelming," Milligan said. "Everyone seemed to be all for a festival that emphasized faith and freedom in America."
"It is time for Christians to rise up," said Wesley Ward, of Christian Liberty Foundation. "This was a Christian based event where people came together to have fun, to unite, and to pray for our nation."
Serving on the Faith and Freedom Fest planning committee were Mayor Milligan, Wes Ward, Ty Koons, John Lorch, Rick Davis, Tony McCall, Nick Fletcher and Wendy Walling.
"We as believers are supposed to take care of the poor and down trodden and those in need," said Nick Fletcher, pastor of Lake City Assembly of God Church. "As long as they keep giving tests at school, the children will continue to pray. We want to make sure children continue to have the power and ability to evoke the power of Jesus."
"Thank you Lake City for reminding us why we are here," said U. S. Congressman Rick Crawford. "Please continue to pray for people in leadership, as we need your prayers. We will host a prayer breakfast at Nettleton Baptist Church in Jonesboro at 7 a.m. July 1 to pray for our country and our leaders. Please keep spreading the word that prayer is still needed in our nation."