June 30, 2013

On Thursday, many will celebrate the country's independence with cookouts, family reunions or maybe some fireworks.

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On Thursday, many will celebrate the country's independence with cookouts, family reunions or maybe some fireworks. Blytheville Police Chief Ross Thompson wants to remind everyone to be safe, responsible and law-abiding, regardless of how they choose to celebrate.

"When you mention the Fourth of July, many of us think about barbecue, cookouts, picnics, family reunions and fun," Thompson said, "If you added fireworks and alcohol to that list you need to be reminded of a few things. It's a violation of city ordinance to sell or discharge fireworks in the city limits and it's a violation of state law to drink in public or drink and drive."

Thompson said the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports more than 9,000 fireworks-related injuries happen each year. Half of these injuries are head and eye related and one-fourth of firework-related eye injuries result in permanent vision loss or blindness.

"When we think of fireworks on the Fourth of July, many of us think of kids popping firecrackers, bottle rockets, snakes or smoke bombs. We wish that was all there was to contend with," said Thompson, "Unfortunately, we all too often are confronted with intoxicated adults discharging large, dangerous devices in confined areas."

Thompson urges everyone to practice good sense and be respectful of others to avoid a very bad ending to what should be a great celebration.

"Although some will say 'common sense' isn't so common anymore, we ask that you use some common sense to avoid a trip to the emergency room, burning down your house or a fun ending run-in with the law," Thompson said. "Don't mix drinking with fireworks or driving -- that is a sure way to get arrested. Have respect for others who don't think firecrackers are fun. Don't discharge fireworks near or around a nursing home or the home of elderly people. Parents, be responsible -- teach your kids respect for the law -- stick to things like sparklers, small fountains and things that have less risk of hurting or disturbing someone."

Thompson said the best, safest way to enjoy fireworks on Thursday is the city-sponsored display at the Blytheville Youth Sportsplex.

"Instead of spending loads of money putting on a home fireworks display, save your money, avoid the risk of a run-in with the law and stay safe simply by attending the city-sponsored professional fireworks display at the Sportsplex," he said. "Have a safe and fun Independence Day."

