Did you ever consider that animal abuse is another form of family violence?
I once heard a speaker say that animal abuse takes numerous forms in the context of family violence. Author Phil Arkow lays it out perfectly, that animal abuse is used as "coercion and control in domestic violence."
Think about that -- harming or killing a pet to warn the woman or child that they could very well be next. The family could be held "captive" in an abusive relationship so the animal can be protected. Arkow says forcing the woman to eat from the pet food dish or engage in sex with animals helps to control the woman. Sicko! When children witness these things is has been shown to have an adverse impact and makes them afraid for the animal, the mother and of course themselves -- that is another way a family is controlled.
Don't be shocked -- it has been noted in this very city that this kind of thing goes on. I can give you examples of things I have witnessed. Why do you think nuts like myself get into situations that we do? Ain't cause we like to share horror stories, it's because these animals have no way of speaking out.
In case you haven't noticed, we live in a violent society. The above examples are used as coercion and control of children as well as any family member. This same author states, "Hoarding and collecting by individuals, often elderly and/or isolated, in need of social or mental health services who maintain inordinately large colonies of pets." He speaks of families witnessing and or participating in illegal dog and cockfighting. (That goes on in this and other communities.) I even have a tape where a youngun 10 years old watched dog fighting. Even kids kill animals before an abusive adult can. They sometimes kill animals as a gang initiation.
Why am I writing all these things? I hope to make others aware that so much of these things go on in our own community. Last week, a dog screaming with pain in the middle of the street -- someone had poured hot grease down its back. Who? Strange how no one ever knows whose dog it is or who would be so cruel to commit such an act. Memphis, this very day, arrested a man who placed a puppy in a dryer and killed it. Why? Stupid? Mean? Sicko?
As Jazz would say: "It is from adversity that strength is born."
Thought for the week: It is summer and it is hot -- leave your pet at home -- do not leave them in your car -- 10 minutes the temp inside your car can reach 102 degrees or hotter. That in itself is animal abuse! Help if you can, pray if you can't. Mississippi County Animal Rescue, Box 2374 Blytheville. Any and all help is much appreciated.