May 28, 2013

Mayor Wayne Wagner opened the May 20 meeting introducing John Archer with Archer & Son who addressed the council about a map project for Manila they started several years ago. Mr. Archer said he had met with Henry Ford, Manila water superintendent, and former Mayor Veach on the project that started three years ago in August...

Mayor Wayne Wagner opened the May 20 meeting introducing John Archer with Archer & Son who addressed the council about a map project for Manila they started several years ago.

Manila Mayor Wayne Wagner (seated) and other council members listen to original song by Joe Chipman created to be used on the web page to promote Manila. (Town Crier photo/Revis Blaylock)
Manila Mayor Wayne Wagner (seated) and other council members listen to original song by Joe Chipman created to be used on the web page to promote Manila. (Town Crier photo/Revis Blaylock)

Mr. Archer said he had met with Henry Ford, Manila water superintendent, and former Mayor Veach on the project that started three years ago in August.

"He (Mayor Veach) hired us to do a new map of Manila," Mr. Archer said. "They wanted the streets, the right of ways and it took a lot of research and man hours. We sent two bills and did not get paid so we stopped working on it in May 2011. We would like to get paid and finish the job."

Archer said it would not take them long to finish.

"We are reasonable people," Mayor Wagner said. "I just have not seen it and at least three of the councilmen were not here when it was started. Call city hall office after Memorial Day and set a time to come back and meet me and Mr. Ford and we will discuss it."

Mayor Wagner asked the council where they wanted to go with the ordinances they have been discussing.

"We have sold 1,000 trash cans voluntarily," he said. "If we are going to make it an ordinance for all residents and do away with the wire containers we need to decide."

Alderman Dale Murphy said make sure it is clear the citizens do not have to buy the containers from the city. They can buy similar ones of their choice as long as they are comparable.

Alderman Jason Baltimore made the motion to draw up the ordinance and proceed in making it mandatory on or before July 1.

Baltimore said the ordinance needs to eliminate all permanent containers left in the front of their houses . Containers need to be removed to the back yards after pick up day.

Wagner said he would request the ordinance to be ready at the June meeting. The motion passed 6-0.

Council discussed proceeding with the mobile home ordinance. The ordinance will not affect mobile homes already in Manila. Council voted 6-0 to proceed with an ordinance, adding to the existing mobile home ordinance.

Mayor Wagner said an ordinance on apartments/land use is a little more difficult. He said they will get some examples from the Municipal League and adjust it to Manila's needs.

The council listened to an original song written by Joe Chipman. Vocals are Manila residents and former Manila residents. The song was created with the idea of using it with the Manila's webpage along with pictures to promote the town. Chipman said the singers are volunteering their time but it does cost to put have the vocals added to music to produce a quality CD. No action was taken.

In other business:

*The June council meeting was changed to June 10 at 6:30 p.m.

*Mayor Wagner said the council will need to address the sewer/water rates. The present rates are among the lowest in the state. They are not covering the expenses. There has not been an increase since 1977.

*Mayor Wager said Jim Ed Robbins had asked if the city would like to sponsor a truck pull as a fundraiser. The Council decided to hold off on the discussion until the July meeting.

*Mayor Wagner said the council needs to consider raising fees at the community center at the next meeting.

*Mayor Wagner reported the Fly-In was successful. The Lions Club held the breakfast, the Business Women made fried pies, and the senior citizens provided hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch.

*Mayor Wagner had a list of the swimming pool lifeguards (11) so far and the list of concession worker applications.

*Swimming pool dedication is set for June 25. Linda Donovan is in charge it. She asked the council to let her know of any invitations she needed to go.

*Following an executive session the council voted to give Janet Davidson a raise to $8.50 per hour, retroactive to April 1. They also voted to give Eddie May and Darrell Birmingham $1,000 per month from April to October for their work at the city park.
