Caraway Police Chief Pete Hicks said they are investigating two recent burglaries in Caraway.
The first incident was reported on the morning of May 17. Chief Hicks was called to the First Baptist church on Kentucky Street at approximately 8:30 a.m. about a break-in.
According to the report he and Rick Stevens, pastor, looked around the church and the only thing found missing was $50-$60 and three rolls of postage stamps from the pastor's church office.
Chief Hicks said none of the electronics, video equipment, or computers were bothered. It is unknown how the suspect got into the church. There was no damage to the doors.
On Monday, May 20, at 7:30 a.m. Chief Hicks was called to Riverside East Elementary School on a report of a break-in.
He found evidence in the main office of someone going through the desk and cabinets. All reported to be missing was around $400 cash. The principal's office door looked to have been pried open but everything else looked to be okay.
In other rooms, there were $2, $20 and $120 missing. The preschool door knob was destroyed and a wood door damaged on the inside. The lunchroom door was unlocked but nothing was found missing.
Again, iPods and other electronics were not bothered.
Fingerprints were collected at the school and sent to the Arkansas Crime Lab at Little Rock for analysis, Hicks said.
Anyone with information about either burglary is asked to contact the Caraway Police Department at 482-3434.