May 28, 2013

The residents and staff of Manila Nursing Center kicked off National Nursing Home Week with the annual balloon release on Monday afternoon, May 13. The wind and weather were agreeable with the balloons taking off high into the skies until they were out of sight...

Debrah Donner
Manila Nursing Center residents release balloons kicking off activities throughout nursing home week.
Manila Nursing Center residents release balloons kicking off activities throughout nursing home week.

The residents and staff of Manila Nursing Center kicked off National Nursing Home Week with the annual balloon release on Monday afternoon, May 13. The wind and weather were agreeable with the balloons taking off high into the skies until they were out of sight.

Administrator Jared Straver, Activities Director Melinda Gryner and other staff members assembled the residents on the front drive for this year's release. The residents always look forward to this traditional activity each year. Afterward they gathered in the dining room for refreshments of homemade cookies and punch.

They also enjoyed listening to a variety of country-western musical favorites of the past and present.

The themes for the week were: Monday was camo day; Tuesday was pajama day with ice cream sundaes; Wednesday was disco day with chips and dip; Thursday was movie star day featuring slushes from the local Sonic; and Friday was tee-shirt-jeans day with the annual cook out and cake social.

About this week's festivities, Straver says, "The outstanding staff and community involvement at MNC makes Nursing Home week so rewarding for our residents. We are so thankful for everyone that is helping with festivities this week!"
