Members of the Buffalo Island Central School Board interviewed a boys basketball coach, heard a request for the agri department, accepted resignations, and renewed contracts at the Monday, May 13, meeting.
The board interviewed Bill Taylor for the boys basketball coach position. Board member John Field moved to hire Coach Taylor and the motion carried unanimously.
Taylor coached at Buffalo Island Central leading the team to back to back state championships in 2005-2006. He coached Manila boys basketball until he retired at the end of 2012. He returned to Manila and has served as athletic director during the 2012-2013 school year.
Coach Taylor's brother, Gaylon Taylor, was recently hired as superintendent at BIC. Superintendent George Edd Holland announced his plans to retire at the end of the school year.
Bruce Fires, FFA adviser and agri teacher, addressed the board concerning the expansion of the livestock program, current and future needs concerning vehicles, equipment, and facilities to support the program and to foster student participation in shows and contests.
The board accepted the resignations of Tammy Cloninger, custodian at West elementary; and Renee Uthoff, superintendent's secretary.
Contracts renewed included all bus drivers; Title 1 aides; special needs assistants on an as needed basis; lunchroom personnel Gena Mostrong, Stephanie Lambert, Cindy Lancaster, Ann Hattenhauer, Mary Cox, Carolyn Tilley, Christine Cook, Elaine Holt and Vickie Honey. The board also hired Syrena Duffel, custodian at West elementary and Lisa Moad, superintendent's secretary; and Mary Jackson, choral music.
Student transfers were reviewed and will be acted on at the June meeting.
Personnel policy and student policy proposed changes were reviewed and will be acted on at the June meeting.
The board approved the school calendar for the 2013-2014 school year as selected by the school employees.
The board commended the BIC Journalism Department for winning several awards and honors at both the state and national level.
The board also recognized Jill Sanders, elementary teacher, for being chosen as a participant in the 2013 George Washington Teachers' Institute at Mount Vernon June 9-15.