This is the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade which made abortion legal in the U.S. This made it possible to legally "murder" over 56 million unborn babies in our country. Then dispose of the remains as "medical waste" like a tumor or appendix that has been removed. That is approaching 10 times the holocaust of the Nazi's in World War II! That, by the way, is equal to the entire populations of Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, Illinois, Indiana and Colorado combined!
This legalized murder is supported by a movement called pro-choice. Pro-choice could just as well be renamed pro-dumb or pro-lazy. Abortions would not be necessary if the women, and men, would quit being so dumb and lazy that they have unwanted pregnancies due to not using any kind of birth control including abstinence. They basically are selfish and only think of themselves. You hear them interviewed on TV from time to time and their excuses are filled with "me, me, me, and I, I, I." There is no excuse, birth control is available free at many clinics, so the excuse "I'm poor" doesn't cut it.
For those unfamiliar with the truth, here is some science for you. I'm sorry, it isn't very pretty but does need to be known. Unborn babies are alive from conception. They have to be -- something non-living can't suddenly become alive. In what fairyland do people that say the unborn are not living entities live? At 8-12 weeks, the baby's eyelids and hair form, they suck their thumb, turn somersaults, jump, frown, swallow and move their tongue. The common type of abortion -- suction 30 times more powerful than a vacuum cleaner that rips them to shreds and sucks them into a bottle for disposal. The general methods used at various times after 12 weeks involve dismemberment and removal, killing with a very strong salt solution which poisons the baby while burning off outer layers, causing un-natural contractions of the uterus that can result in decapitation or birth (if born they are thrown in a corner to die because treatment is denied) and eventually partial birth abortion. This last method involves being guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabs the baby's legs with forceps. The baby's leg is pulled out into the birth canal. The abortionist delivers the baby's entire body, except for the head. The abortionist jams scissors into the baby's skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the skull. The scissors are removed and a suction catheter is inserted. The child's brains are sucked out, causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed. This is what was made legal 40 years ago so that men and women that were too selfish, lazy or dumb to control their lust could have that behavior reinforced. Strangely, many that support killing babies by abortion wail when a killer is going to be executed because the death penalty is so cruel.
You might ask, how did this happen? Look at history. Prior to Roe v Wade in 1973, there was a concentrated push by the liberal progressive movement to remove prayer and anything remotely religious from schools and any public place or meeting. The beginning of political correctness. Hence the anti-Christmas, anti-Easter political correctness that comes up each year. God gave us free will so we can follow him or reject him of our own accord. In more and more arenas, government is getting a push to the rejection side. The First Amendment separating church and state was not made to protect government from religion. It was made to protect religion from the government. If you stand for political correctness that allows killing babies and turns away God, you'll fall for anything!
America, it's time to reconsider the violent murder of babies in this country.