The annual Tales from the Cemetery program will be Thursday, May 9, beginning at 10 a.m. at the Depot for the fifth grade. They will tour the museum after the program. Then at 1 p.m. at the Herman Davis Monument the sixth grade will hear about Herman Davis from "Granny Davis" played by Sherry Pratt.
They will proceed to the cemetery where they will hear about Clarkie Bishop from Iris Poteet and Donald Veach portrayed by Terry Selby.
Manila teacher Janet Metheny will lead the students on a scavenger hunt to try to find the oldest tombstone, a Civil War veteran's grave, a tombstone with an angel, and many other hard to find treasurers.
The program is an attempt to teach the students to respect the cemetery and to honor citizens who have made Manila a better place to live.
The public is invited to take a step back in Manila's history and join the students. It is a free event.