May 7, 2013

National Nursing Home Week begins on Mother's Day, May 12, and continues until May 18. "Many nursing home residents are the people who planted the seeds that have made our community grow stronger," Marla Layne, Monette Manor administrator, said. ...

National Nursing Home Week begins on Mother's Day, May 12, and continues until May 18.

"Many nursing home residents are the people who planted the seeds that have made our community grow stronger," Marla Layne, Monette Manor administrator, said. "They have been the teachers, business people, parents and other central figures that produced all of the good things we now enjoy. This week gives us a change to honor these special residents, as well as the families, staff, volunteers and community."

This year's National Nursing Home Week theme is "Team Care." Monette Manor will host a series of events to showcase residents and give them a chance to shine. This stirring event will feature residents as well as staff and will give a nod to a bygone era was well as reveal the extraordinary talents of our residents. Some of the weeks' special events will include Mothers Day party, balloon release, sock hop, karaoke, tropical drinks, talent show for residents and employees, games, prizes and lots of entertainment. There will be 50s day, western day, sports day, and the 1970s era.

Everyone is invited to come and be part of Monette Manor's residents' remarkable achievements and witness first -hand the beauty and joy that are the motivating force behind Monette Manor's quality long-term care.

Monette Manor is an 86 bed nursing and rehabilitation facility located in Monette on Highway 139 North.

There will be a contest each day for the best dressed employees that go along with the daily theme.

All families have been invited to eat lunch with their mothers. Corsages and bud vases will be given to mothers. Lunch menu will include fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, cobbler, rolls, and tea.

Event days and time will include kick off on Monday at 9:30 a.m. with a balloon release and a Mother's Day party at 2 p.m.

Tuesday will be 50s day with a singing at 10 a.m. featuring Roger Roush. A sock hop with Robert, Ricky, and the Sr. B line dancers will be held at 2 p.m. Ice Cream Sundaes will be served at 2:30 p.m.

Western Day will be held on Wednesday with buggy and horses. Pictures will be made at 10 a.m. Pee Wee Thomas and Bill Perry will sing at 2 p.m.

Sports Day will be held on Thursday with Mickey Littlejohn singing and playing the piano at 10 a.m. and a talent show at 1:30 p.m.

Friday's theme is the 1970s era with Woodstock, hippies, and disco. Karaoke will be held at 10 a.m. and Tropical drinks served at 2 p.m.
