Ms. Lisa Wilhite announces the upcoming wedding of her daughter, Brittany Megan (Meg) Wilhite, to Gary Duane Holmes II, son of Linda and the late Gary Holmes, of Blytheville.
Meg is a 2009 graduate of Manila High School. She attended Arkansas Northeastern College in 2010 and received a technical certificate in Emergency Medical Technician. She has been an EMT for two and a half years.
Gary is a 2008 graduate of Gosnell High School. He is currently attending Arkansas Baptist College and pursuing a Bachelor degree in Criminal Justice. He also currently works at Blytheville Police Department.
The couple will exchange vows at 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, in Gosnell, Arkansas. Invitations have been issued.
After a honeymoon, the couple will reside in Blytheville.