BGRAA should take notes from county
To the editor:
Congratulations to the county for having a fair and honest auction of used and some may say JUNK county property! Approximately $76,000 was raised.
An ad was put in the paper, which pulled in people from all over to bid on this property, and some of it was listed as scrap, yet $76,000 was raised.
How much money did the BGRAA raise on the old, I believe they, (the BGRAA), called it JUNK that was handed away when the BGRAA did some old base cleaning a few years back?
The old air base had old trucks, cars, tractors and equipment much like the county sale at the old base.
I bet if we check, you will be able to verify who bought what at the county auction, which leads me to ask, can the BGRAA come up with a list of equipment and who bought it and for how much at their cleanup give-away sale?
The BGRAA placed no ad in the paper to make the sale public.
How did the people that bought or carried off used JUNK from the old air base know about the Big Cleanup Sale that took place a few years ago?
The county sale was PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE, just like any cleanup/sale should be at the BGRAA.
All most citizens want from people in public office is for them to be fair and honest. It's that simple!
Thanks Judge Carney and Quorum Court for being fair and honest with the people of Mississippi County!