If I may, I would like to try and calm some of Mr. Veasley's concerns he expressed so well in his letter to the editor. (April 3).
1. Please, do not worry Mr. Veasley, the only one being disenfranchised when it comes to voting IDs are the dead. Now both parties will have to clean up their roles. I know, I know ... that will bring tears to many eyes, but it is long overdue. And coming from a state that prides itself on the dead voting, the only sure way I can know that my vote counts is if the dead stay dead. Yes, as a pastor, I know there will be a resurrection, but it ought not to happen every election day. Besides, anyone who cashes a check, gets medicine or involves themselves in any public way has a picture ID. And as one who has a long history of working with the poor and aged and still doing so (35 years and counting), if they do not have one, it is easily gotten. Why, a kind, loving family member or a loving church member could easily aide people and help them acquire it. I am even sure, Mr. Veasley, people would appreciate your help also. Give it a shot and think of all the good you'll be doing.
2. I am truly sorry, but if I may humbly suggest Mr. Veasley, that you have seem to have forgotten your history. All Jim Crow laws were written by Democrats. I know this offends many sensibilities; sadly truth can hurt. All civil rights laws were opposed by our brother Democrats until about 1964, the Johnson years. Then President Johnson was later helped by Republican Rep. Everett Dirksen, who wrote the voting rights act of 1968 to help Democrats become more supportive of civil rights. (By the way, even the Kennedy family voted against civil rights at that time, and they had very little love for Dr. King.)
But you may be heartened by the fact that people and political parties do have a way of coming around. I mean, look at what the Democratic Party stands for and supports civil rights today -- gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender marriages, taxpayer-funded sex change operations, even for some of the most profane of prisoners, taxpayer-funded murder of unborn children and the soon-to-be murder of children who mange to be born after a faulty abortion. (And as you may know, Mr. Veasley, our dearly loved current president, Mr. Obama, as a state senator for Illinois took the brave stand of voting "present" when that law came before him. A good politician never wants to get caught voting for or against something that might come back to bite him in the, well you get the picture.) Now the great state of Illinois is one of the few states that allow for a death of a child after a botched abortion. Democrats sure have come a long way, Mr. Veasley. But take heart, Republicans are not far behind. I hear they are tired of being on "the wrong side of history."
3. And finally, Mr. Veasley, do not let your heart be troubled by people carrying guns to church. People have been doing that for years. Even in Chicago, with the tightest gun laws in the nation, where I spent almost 20 years on the West Side, two very dear elderly ladies carried guns to church every Sunday. It helped them feel safe while walking to and from church. Now, who would want to deny them the right to feel safe? Also in our church were two Chicago police officers and one Cook County officer, all armed. It made offering time a much safer moment, as the gangs where robbing churches during that sacred time. No matter, we were all good, Christian, loving people in church together, Mr. Veasley, worshiping our God and Lord Jesus Christ, and helping one another out. You know, like helping people fill out forms to get IDs for SSI, food stamps, bank accounts and other reasons.
Truly, Mr. Veasley, I sincerely hope this helps to put to rest some of your concerns, And please know that you and yours are in my prayers and in the prayers of our church. And I do hope you can pray with us, "Lord, have mercy upon us and our country," for I fear what may happen when the Lord withdraws His kind, loving hand and chooses to discipline us for our sins as He did His people of old.
Sincerely and with the highest regards for you concerns,