April 5, 2013

Manila Senior Citizens center was filled Thursday with colorful eggs, prizes, and refreshments celebrating Easter. "We appreciate the support we receive from the community and county," Carol Yarbro, activity director, said...

Manila senior citizens enjoy Easter party.
Manila senior citizens enjoy Easter party.

Manila Senior Citizens center was filled Thursday with colorful eggs, prizes, and refreshments celebrating Easter.

"We appreciate the support we receive from the community and county," Carol Yarbro, activity director, said.

Yarbro thanked Circle Inn, Freds, and LaCascada for providing prizes for the drawings. Keeping with the theme, each senior chose a plastic egg with a number for the prizes.

Carol Yarbro distributes Easter eggs for the drawing.
Carol Yarbro distributes Easter eggs for the drawing.

In addition to special celebrations for holidays, the group celebrates birthdays every month and a birthday cake is provided by Tracey Reinhart/Farmers Market.

"We appreciate everyone who supports us," Yarbro said.

Many of the senior citizens expressed their appreciation to the center with comments such as, "This is the best thing the city could ever have done for us."

The senior center, located in the Manila Community Airport Center, is open five days a week with exercise, games, fellowship and lunch. For more information seniors are welcome to stop by and visit. Serving as site manager is Lois Hunter.
