Members of Chapter AC PEO met Monday, March 11, at the home of Holly Swihart where they celebrated the chapter's 66th birthday while saying "see you later" to longtime member Janet Taylor just before her move to eastern Tennessee.
It was a bittersweet celebration as members of Chapter AC, which was organized on March 3, 1947, in Leachville, each shared memories of fun times with Janet. Sisters laughed and cried as they wished her well before enjoying a wonderful cake decorated with beautiful daisies. The Chapter gave her a sign with "See You Later, Sis" and other keepsakes.
In addition to their celebration, a regular business meeting was held and installation of officers for the next year was held.
The group also met at 7 p.m. March 25 in the Leachville home of Patty Jackson. Elizabeth Harrell served as co-hostess.
The subject of the program was "Believe in the Possibilities Music Can Bring." The program was presented by Sharon Hitt, and all member present participted.
Patty and Elizabeth served coconut cake and Easter candies during social time.