April 2, 2013

All school board members were present for the March 25 Buffalo Island Central School Board meeting. Following the approval of the minutes and financial statement review, Buffalo Island Central School Board voted unanimously to adopt the new Arkansas Teacher Excellence and Support System for evaluations beginning the 2013-14 school year when the board met March 25...

All school board members were present for the March 25 Buffalo Island Central School Board meeting.

Following the approval of the minutes and financial statement review,

Buffalo Island Central School Board voted unanimously to adopt the new Arkansas Teacher Excellence and Support System for evaluations beginning the 2013-14 school year when the board met March 25.

The board hired Tammy Cloninger as custodian for the West elementary with a 7-0 vote.

The board voted unanimously to accept the resignations of Nancy Sills, speech therapy; Erin Clay, speech therapy (part-time), Steve Brummett, secondary math; Kane Bradley, vocal music; and Garrett Eoff, boys basketball coach (basketball only).

Transfers were approved with Ellen Cable moving from junior high math to senior high math; Coach Eoff from boys basketball to junior high math (will continue to coach high school baseball and summer baseball).

The board voted unanimously to renew all certified and classified contracts for the 2013-14 school year with the following exceptions: Title I aides; cooks; special need aides; and bus route drivers. These contracts will be considered at the April board meeting.

The board moved to hire all personnel necessary to staff summer school, credit recovery, and ACT boot camp program.

Summer school staff will include half days on the East and West campus, Tina Fowler, Erin Clay, Karen McClelland, and Karalee Gibson. On the East campus, Tonya Boyd, Faith Rolland, Kathryn Austin, Debbie King, Lisa Turner, RoseMary Clester and Janie Ibanez-Migrant. On the West campus Janie Sparkman, Amber Crabtree, Regina Welch, Patty Qualls, Terrie Selby, Stacey Qualls, Phyllis Moxley-Migrant; CPEP teacher Brummett, Smith and Cornish; Credit Recovery, Olive and Cable.

The board voted to authorize the superintendent to take any corrective action necessary to comply with the most recent legislative audit.

Board members toured the main facilities on each campus to consider building security concerns and solutions prior to the scheduled board meeting.
