The bill which proposes Amendment 82 funding for Big River Steel is scheduled to hit House and Senate committees, as well as floor votes by the end of the week, according to Mississippi County's representatives.
Sen. David Burnett said he is taking the bill before the Senate's Agriculture, Forestry and Economic Development Committee this afternoon (Tuesday), and hopes that it will pass, then be ready for a floor vote on Wednesday.
"There may be some opposition," he said. "How much, I'm not sure. But I've got enough votes to get it out of the committee, unless they've changed their minds since last night."
District 54 Rep. Wes Wagner said he does not serve on the House's Agriculture committee, but that the committee's vote is scheduled for Wednesday, with the possibility of a floor vote by Thursday or Friday.
"I know it will hit House committee tomorrow," he said, "possibly a floor vote Thursday in the House. We've suspended the rules about waiting 48 hours between committee and floor votes, so I think it will move pretty fast. It could be Thursday or Friday, but this may be the reason that the speaker has told us we will meet on Saturday."
Wagner said that he plans to support the bill.
"Right now, I'm in support of it," he said. "It's been vetted thoroughly by independent agencies, our own economic development people, and outside groups. Mainly I support it because it's within Amendment 82, which two-thirds of all Arkansans supported. That's what the state as a whole wanted and supported overwhelmingly. Also, this is the first time in the weeks we've been in session that we've gotten down to the nuts and bolts of creating some jobs, instead of dealing with social issues.
"Mississippi County is the second poorest county in the fourth poorest state, so it will be good to bring some good-paying jobs to a depleted area. I think it will make it through [the committee vote]. I think that's the reason they waited. Everyone's had time for their questions to be answered."
District 55 Rep. Monte Hodges could not be reached as of press time Tuesday, but previously told the CN that he felt positively about the bill, but at that time was not ready to make a full commitment of his support.
If passed, the bill will provide for Big River Steel, which plans to locate just south of Osceola and provide at least 525 permanent jobs, with $125 million in state financing as an economic development incentive. Arkansas House Speaker Davy Carter and Senate President Pro Tem Michael Lamoureux have both expressed their support for the project, but some conservative groups have criticized the idea of government subsidized loans, and Nucor Steel has lobbied heavily against the move.
The Quorum Court of Mississippi County has already voted unanimously to kick $14.5 million in county economic development tax funds into the project, should the state funding be approved.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.