March 1, 2013

A 16-year-old Blytheville High School student is in custody at the Mississippi County Detention Center and is facing several charges after he was found to be in possession of marijuana and a gun on school property.

A 16-year-old Blytheville High School student is in custody at the Mississippi County Detention Center and is facing several charges after he was found to be in possession of marijuana and a gun on school property.

Administrators contacted the school's safety officer after noticing an odor of marijuana was coming from the student's locker. The student -- a minor -- was brought into the office for questioning while school officials searched the locker.

In the locker was 1.6 grams of marijuana, according to police. When the student was questioned again, he apparently denied ownership. After being told he would be charged with possession, police said the student grabbed the marijuana and began to flee. The officer was able to catch the student, who them reportedly attempted to swallow the drugs. After being searched, he told the officer he had a gun.

The officer found the student to be in possession of a defaced .22 caliber revolver. The gun was seized and the student was charged with simultaneous possession of drugs and firearm, possession of firearm on school property, possession of a defaced firearm, possession of controlled substance, resisting arrest, fleeing and tampering with evidence. He was turned over to juvenile services before being transported to the County Detention center.
