February 26, 2013

So a lot is going right now. So much, in fact, that it's hard for me to land on one thing to write about, so I'm just going to give you guys a few quick bursts of what's been going on.

So a lot is going right now. So much, in fact, that it's hard for me to land on one thing to write about, so I'm just going to give you guys a few quick bursts of what's been going on.

Planning for the shower is going surprisingly well. My mom is doing a great job and I think Ashley and I both are pretty excited about it. However, as I looked at the list of people who have RSVPed I think we're going to have to spend a great deal of time playing that game where you go around the room and everyone introduces themselves. Several times my mom would ask about a person on the list and I say, "I have no idea who that is." Its going to be great though.

Speaking of showers, I'm still finishing off the cake from the diaper shower they threw me here at the office last week. Thanks again, guys -- I couldn't ask for a better group of people to work with.

I'm actually writing this at the gym, which is kind of odd. Obviously I'm not doing much. In fact, I'm pretty much just sitting here wearing shorts, but I want to be healthier -- make sure I'll be around for a while -- so I'm awkwardly pedaling one of these stationary bikes as I type. In case you're wondering, I listen to The Black Keys while working out. "Just a psychotic girl and I won't get lost in your world ..."

Last week I had a crazy panic attack. My first ever (not all "firsts" are good). Ashley and I were talking about how close we're getting to the due date. "Nine weeks," I said, to which she responded, "Probably more like eight." I walked away, into the kitchen and started gasping for air. It was all gone. It felt like all the air in the world was gone. Then, out of nowhere, I started laughing and crying hysterically. Then, as quickly as it hit it was gone. Oh yeah, Ashley's getting a little nervous too.

The streets in this town are terrible. I never really noticed it until I started spending a lot of time in the car with a pregnant woman. Every bump and pothole is intensified for her. And I never hear the end of it. And now I notice it when I'm alone. I'm ready for hover crafts.

Now I'm listening to Four Year Strong. One of my favorite bands (from the Boston area, for those who see me in a Boston hat and wonder if I'm a Red Sox fan). "So when we TEAM UP! TEAM UP! we always seem to burn this place to the ground ..."

Ashley just texted me about a big Carter's baby outlet in Sikeston that's having a big sale right now. We should probably check that out. But she'll inevitably want to eat Lamberts. Ugh. Their food isn't great and I don't like being assaulted with baked goods. Why do you want food thrown at you?

Man, my legs are on fire.

So I've started making a playlist for Caroline. This will play in the car, in the house, while at Nana's -- everywhere. Hopefully it will instill good taste. It includes, but isn't limited to, Florence+The Machine, Adelle, The Smiths, U2, The Pixies, The Shins, Wilco, They Might Be Giants, Mumford & Sons, Ingrid Michaelson, Death Cab For Cutie and others. Now, does anyone know where I can get dummy glasses and a cardigan for this hipster baby?

My brother was in town from Florida over the weekend so he came over Sunday and helped me put together the changing table. It only took us two grown men -- one of whom is an airplane mechanic -- two-and-a-half hours to build that little bugger. It's still not exactly right, but I don't think it'll fall over. At least I hope it won't.

I can't wait for the day when we have a constant supply of Goldfish on hands. Buying 12 bags at a time as a grown man nearing 30 can be quite alarming ... unless I have a baby with me.

Hey, I biked 8 miles while writing this. Not bad.

For more visit www.thejedidad.wordpress.com or follow me on Twitter at @TheJediDad. May the force be with you.

