February 26, 2013

Blytheville farmer Don Tims is a winner in America's Farmers Grow Communities, a program sponsored by the Monsanto Fund, which gives area growers an opportunity to win a $2,500 donation to direct to their favorite local nonprofit organizations...

Accepting the gift on behalf of the Butterfly House are, Brenda Allen and Peggy lemons, Butterfly House Board members. Also pictured are Jamey Bonney, representing Monsanto; and the winner in the America's Farmers Grow Communities, the  Tims Family --  Don, Candyce and children Lee, Grady, JoAnna, Eli, and Clara.
Accepting the gift on behalf of the Butterfly House are, Brenda Allen and Peggy lemons, Butterfly House Board members. Also pictured are Jamey Bonney, representing Monsanto; and the winner in the America's Farmers Grow Communities, the Tims Family -- Don, Candyce and children Lee, Grady, JoAnna, Eli, and Clara.

Blytheville farmer Don Tims is a winner in America's Farmers Grow Communities, a program sponsored by the Monsanto Fund, which gives area growers an opportunity to win a $2,500 donation to direct to their favorite local nonprofit organizations.

Mississippi County is among 1,271 eligible counties in 39 states where farmers can sign up for the program. The amount is doubled for counties that have been declared a disaster area by the USDA.

Tims and his wife, Candyce, had the opportunity to double their giving since Mississippi County was one of the counties declared as a disaster.

The couple chose the Mississippi County Union Mission and The Butterfly House to receive their gifts.

Accepting the gift on behalf of the Mississippi County Union Mission are Rickey and Shari King, directors. Presenting the check is Jamey Bonney, with Monsanto Fund. Also on hand for the ceremony are Mark Bryles, board member, Jim Willard, secretary/treasurer; Edwin Holstead, co-chair of the board; Dennis FitzPatrick, chair of the board, Scott Trotter, board member; and the Don Tims family -- Don, Candyce and children Lee, Grady, JoAnna, Eli, and Clara.
Accepting the gift on behalf of the Mississippi County Union Mission are Rickey and Shari King, directors. Presenting the check is Jamey Bonney, with Monsanto Fund. Also on hand for the ceremony are Mark Bryles, board member, Jim Willard, secretary/treasurer; Edwin Holstead, co-chair of the board; Dennis FitzPatrick, chair of the board, Scott Trotter, board member; and the Don Tims family -- Don, Candyce and children Lee, Grady, JoAnna, Eli, and Clara.

Don and Candyce have five children, Lee, Grady, JoAnna, Eli and Clara. Candyce has family ties in the Buffalo Island area. She is the granddaughter of Clarence and Pauline Cornish of Monette.

Don farms 1,500 acres in the Blytheville area. He also is the pastor of Tyler Baptist Church in Missouri. Both volunteer at the Mississippi County Mission, where he preaches about once a month.

The two became familiar with The Butterfly House when they attended a Mississippi County Republican Committee meeting held in Leachville last year. The Butterfly House, which will be built in Mississippi County, is a faith-based recovery home for women addicted to drugs.

The presentation ceremony was held Thursday morning at the Mississippi County Union Mission in Blytheville with Monsanto representative Jamey Bonney making the presentations.

On hand to accept the gift for The Butterfly House, Inc., were board members Peggy Lemons and Brenda Allen. Danna Deaton is president of the non-profit, faith-based recovery center for women. It will provide a totally free program for women who are seeking a better way of life.

"It will transform lives," Deaton said.

The women who will benefit from the future Butterfly House will learn life skills, receive their GED, and break free of addictions. The Butterfly House will provide a safe place for women to live and experience the love of Christ while breaking free from the bondage of addiction.

To find out more about the Butterfly House, interested persons may log onto: www.thebutterflyhouse.org.

Lemons and Allen thanked the Tims Family and the Monsanto Fund for the donation.

On hand to receive the gift on behalf of the Mississippi County Union Mission were the Tims family, Rickey and Shari King, directors; Jim Willard, secretary/treasurer; Mark Bryles, board member; Edwin Holtstead, co-chair of the board; Dennis Fitzpatrick, chairman of the board, and Scott Trotter, board member.

"We appreciate all of our volunteers and the donation," Shari King said.

Among activities listed in the mission's 2012 year-end report were: the giving of 2,263 food boxes; sponsorship of 202 soup kitchens, clothing for 6,107; assistance with prescriptions for 44 individuals, medical aid for 36 individuals, seven gas vouchers, one bus ticket, 30 baby needs, and 33 families helped with furniture. A total of 384 men, women and children were housed.

For more information on Mississippi County Union Mission, log onto the website: mcunionmission.org.

America's Farmers Grow Communities, is to highlight the important contributions farmers make every day to society and to help them positively impact their communities. This program is part of the Monsanto Fund's overall effort to support rural America.
