February 9, 2013

Buffalo Island Relay for Life committee members held the first meeting of the year choosing a date and a theme for the 2013 Relay for Life event. The group chose the theme, "Birthday Party, 100 Years of Hope," for this year's event. The theme was chosen in conjunction with the 100th birthday of the American Cancer Society which will take place in May...

Buffalo Island Relay for Life committee members held the first meeting of the year choosing a date and a theme for the 2013 Relay for Life event.

The group chose the theme, "Birthday Party, 100 Years of Hope," for this year's event. The theme was chosen in conjunction with the 100th birthday of the American Cancer Society which will take place in May.

Friday, June 14, was set for the Relay for Life event held at the Leachville City Park. Tentative dates were set for a survivor social on June 9 and bank night on June 10.

Fundraising events were discussed with several suggestions including Boston butt sale, road blocks, gong show, wrestling match, bake sales, and dime collections.

Relay chair Brenda Matheny encouraged anyone wanting to get a team together or help any way to get involved. She expressed her appreciation to all of the volunteers and the sponsors who help make the Buffalo Island Relay for Life such a success.

"All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society and it is a way we can help fight cancer," Matheny said.

Luminaries will be sold in memory of family and friends who lost their battle to cancer and in honor of cancer survivors. Luminaries are candles that light the walking track the night of the Relay for Life.

The next meeting will be 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 28, at Leachville City Hall.
