A man was killed Friday morning when his pickup truck slid off Highway 18 at Big Lake, crashing into the waters below and becoming submerged.
According to the Arkansas State Police report, the man was identified as Stephen D. Rush of Manila.
Emergency crews from multiple local agencies spent most of the day Friday working retrieve the vehicle from the fast-flowing waters.
The accident was originally reported by the driver of a FedEx truck, who said he saw the eastbound truck go out of control and run off the north side road near the bridge, an accident that occurred at 5:38 a.m., according to the State Police report. The Mississippi County Sheriff's Department located the vehicle's tracks leaving the roadway, and said the driver likely lost control on an icy or frosty patch.
The State Police report says Rush's vehicle crossed the west bound lane, traveled off the roadway and overturned into the waters of Big Lake.
The vehicle apparently went over the north side of the roadway, floated under the bridge, and became lodged under water on the south side of the roadway.
Rush was pronounced dead at the scene.
Highway 18 was closed for nearly two hours as emergency crews worked the scene. By noon, some traffic was being allowed to slowly pass through the area.