December 26, 2012

Caraway Senior Center Executive Director Cleffie Gipson has collected quilting squares from each Center participant for years and just completed a finished quilt for display. "Friends at our Center embroidered or had someone embroider their names on quilt squares for this quilt," Gipson said. ...

Cleffie Gipson displays friendship quilt.
Cleffie Gipson displays friendship quilt.

Caraway Senior Center Executive Director Cleffie Gipson has collected quilting squares from each Center participant for years and just completed a finished quilt for display.

"Friends at our Center embroidered or had someone embroider their names on quilt squares for this quilt," Gipson said. "This goes from 1995 to 2012, and contains the names of men and women who have met here through the years. Every name on this quilt has a story to go with it. We have lost 95 of our friends here, and all I have to do is look at their name and I remember their story and their friendship. I treasure this, and their memories.

"I got the idea from seeing a family once with the names of family members on it," she said. "My mother made one of these for me, and it meant so much to me. Christmas time is a wonderful time to remember, and looking at these quilts help me remember all the family members and friends I have had throughout my life."
