December 21, 2012

The CHRISTmas Tree is one of the most significance important of the CHRISTmas season. Many people across the world who join in the celebration of CHRISTmas will go buy, cut down or pull out of storage the one item that makes this holiday complete, the CHRISTmas tree...

To the editor:

The CHRISTmas Tree is one of the most significance important of the CHRISTmas season. Many people across the world who join in the celebration of CHRISTmas will go buy, cut down or pull out of storage the one item that makes this holiday complete, the CHRISTmas tree.

You see, the CHRISTmas tree represents many different things to so many different people and it doesn't matter what color you are or what nationality you may be or even your age. The CHRISTmas tree presents the evidence that the season for giving and receiving has manifested to this world. You may have picked the biggest CHRISTmas tree or a very small CHRISTmas tree, it doesn't matter size, just the effect that it gives to you. When the CHRISTmas tree is in its rightful stance, it is positioned horizontally and vertically correct. The CHRISTmas tree has to bare its weight as we add to the branches. The CHRISTmas tree is always decorated with beautiful lights, lights that give such an array of brightness. The lights play an intricate part of the CHRISTmas tree because the lights bring radiant joy as it fills the heart of the people. The CHRISTmas tree is structured to where many items light or heavy can be hung from it as it remains standing and hold its position. The CHRISTmas tree gives off two attributes from it, giving and receiving. It is where people would gather to exchange gifts to someone or become a recipient of someone else giving.

The CHRISTmas tree is where we get a chance to experience the gift of giving and receiving, both transactions are just as important as the other. Once we receive or give gifts to each individual it affects our whole atmosphere, attitude, emotions just from the CHRISTmas tree. There are those who do not celebrate with a tree at all.

Now, the CHRISTmas tree is not the tree the Jesus died on. But it has a lot of significant connections to it. The CROSS was made from a tree. The CROSS had to be in the right position horizontally and vertical positioned. The top of the CROSS had to be centered and the base had to be sturdy enough to hold Jesus and all the heavy burdens that were placed upon him.

The bright shining light that shone from Jesus to the world is His glorious light illuminating with such radiance of his glory and beauty. His light captures our hearts and changes our whole atmosphere, attitude and emotions. On the CROSS we were given the greatest gifts of all, salvation, freedom, healing and eternal life all wrapped up in one package.

II Corinthians 2:24 "He himself bore our sins in his body on the CROSS, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; "by his wounds you have been healed." Make no mistake about the CHRISTmas tree. It has pretty significant meaning to it. Everything that was made by God is good, people make it bad. Timothy 4:4 "For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with Thanksgiving."

So, as you enjoy looking at the beautiful lights, wonderful gifts and anything else that may make up some of the intricate parts of your tree, I hope you will see it in a whole different spectrum of light during this CHRISTmas season.

Remember "Jesus Is The Reason" for the CHRISTmas Season.

Merry CHRISTmas!

Lisa Cross Blytheville
