In late November, I went to a well-known ophthalmologist clinic in Jonesboro. I had broken my glasses and needed a check up before getting new ones. I was examined, and to my surprise, was told I had cataracts in both eyes and needed surgery.
This caught me off-guard, as I didn't think I had symptoms that would cause me to need cataract surgery. The doctor also suggested that instead of getting the regular intraocular lens (IOL), which would be paid for by insurance, I might want to consider the new AcrySof ReSTOR multi-focal lens which would make it possible for me to never have to wear glasses again except for maybe very fine print for which I could use over-the-counter glasses. He said insurance does not cover the cost of multi-focal lens, but they were offering a "Christmas special," $2,000 per eye, which would run through Jan. 31, 2013. He said I would not be able to get them cheaper anywhere else.
At this time, a little red flag went up; however, I kept thinking how nice it would be to never have to wear glasses again. I had never heard of a "Christmas special" at the ophthalmologist office until now. I left the clinic, thought about it for a while, and decided to go ahead with the multi-focal lens. I wanted to take advantage of the special because if I waited past Jan. 31, the lens would cost $2,300 for each eye. I went ahead and scheduled two surgeries for the month of December. Instead of getting new cabinet tops and flooring for my kitchen I'd be getting multi-focal lens.
However, during Thanksgiving dinner, my daughter and son-in-law encouraged me to get a second opinion. I had to hurry and call my insurance companies, as the date of my first surgery was approaching. Both companies stated they always paid for second opinions when it came to surgery.
The day before I was to get measurements for my lenses, I was able to see another well-known ophthalmologist at a clinic in Jonesboro. I noticed from the minute I walked in that this office was run more professionally and their patient care was much better. After a thorough examination, I was told I had the very beginning stage of cataracts and would not be needing surgery for years. Although, he did say I needed to come in for yearly checkups. He said my distance vision was nearly 20/20 and that I could use over-the-counter glasses for reading. Just for the heck of it, I asked the doctor what multi-focal lens would cost at his clinic, and he stated they would cost $1,800 per eye.
I felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off me. I am not out $4,000 for multi-focal lens which I never needed in the first place, and I am not out approximately $400 for progressive lens glasses. I didn't waste any time getting some cute OTC eyeglasses which I only use for reading. In fact, I picked out two pair for only $8 total. Looks like I may be getting those new cabinet tops and kitchen flooring after all.
My daughter happens to be in the medical field and was very upset to find out how close I came to getting ripped off. She is the one who encouraged me to write this letter so no one else would make the mistake I nearly did. Needless to say, I called the first clinic and told them I had gotten a second opinion and was canceling.
Be careful, everyone, get a second opinion and have a Merry Christmas.