Buffalo Island Central East and West fifth grade students received certificates at the 2012 DARE graduation held on the west campus Friday, Dec. 14.
Dr. Kima Stewart, BIC West principal, welcomed students and guests.
"DARE is fun but let's not miss the meaning of the program," Dr. Stewart said. "We appreciate Craighead County for giving their time, money and efforts to the DARE program to help build a drug free life for you."
She cautioned the young men and women to make good choices.
"I am confident you guys will make the right decision," she said.
DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) Officer Jamey Carter congratulated the students on successfully completing the 10-week program.
He introduced Wanda Shasteen and Craighead County Sheriff elect Marty Boyd.
"This is Wanda's last DARE graduation as she will be taking a new job," he said. "She has worked with DARE for 17 years. I also want you to me your and my new sheriff Marty Boyd. He allows me to do this and I appreciate it."
Carter gave a brief overview of the lessons taught including peer pressure, bullying, the dangers and affects of drug abuse.
Students participating in the DARE program wrote essays on what the program meant to them. An overall winner from each fifth grade received a medallion. They were Haleigh Jackson; Erica Hurst; Lilie Hatch; and Harris McCord. Haleigh received an IPod Shuffle.
Two students receiving the Outstanding DARE awards were Amanda Staley from East campus and Billy Brown from West campus. They received a stuffed DARE Lion each.
Each year the classroom that has the top grade average on the test is recognized with a trophy. This year Marty Edward's class on the west campus and Matthew Sills Class on the East campus will keep the trophies for the year.
To qualify to win the bicycles students have to make a 100 percent on the final test. Students who also get the bonus question for 105 get two chances at the drawing.
"We had a lot of students to make 100 and 105," Deputy Carter said.
The lucky winners of the bicycles were Josh McDaniel, east campus; and Peyton Fowler, west campus. Jeff Spencer Trucking donated the bicycles.
Students enjoyed a pizza party. CiCi's Pizza provided the pizza; Pepsi provided the sodas; and Wal-Mart on Parker Street donated the cake. Medic I donated the DARE shirts for all of the students.