Blytheville Parks and Recreation director Elroy Brown is hopeful that improvements will be made to the Walker Park pond next year.
Thursday night, Brown told the Parks and Recreation Committee that he has requested pond aerators in the proposed 2013 budget.
He said Mayor James Sanders asked him to wait until the budget is approved before purchasing the two pumps. Officials have blamed the ponds' annual summer fish kills on a lack of aerators.
Brown is also looking at getting algae-eating tilapia to help with the problem that arises during extreme heat. Stocking the pond with Tilapia is expected to cost about $800 and they must be restocked every fall.
Brown is also working with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission to help control the geese population at Walker Park. He said the humane method will not involve killing them.
He hopes to have something in place by January.
"With the oxygen in the water and with those fish eating up all that excess algae and with the thinning out of the geese, the pond should be in real good shape," Brown said, noting Arkansas Game and Fish will restock the pond with fish, though not tilapia.
Brown said the city is going after a $20,000-$50,000 grant for wildlife at Walker Park, Thunder Bayou and the senior citizens pond. He said they are considering putting fishing bays at city ponds.
He also told the committee that a crew is still keeping the parks clean, though it has gone from a six-man crew to a three-man crew, which is also helping Public Works by picking up bags of leaves.
Brown said a Workforce program may be sending the city two workers at no cost as well.
Meanwhile, the parks and recreation director said he is still talking with Joplin, Mo.-based American Ramp Company for a potential skateboard park. He noted a California company has also shown interest so the city is considering both at this time.
Also, Councilman John Musgraves said he hopes to have an estimate for leveling the Blytheville Youth Sportsplex soccer field by next month's meeting and he is hopeful the city can level the field in the spring. City officials are shooting for March, he said.