Letter to the Editor

Line of fools in IRS negotiations

Thursday, December 13, 2012

To the editor:

I saw the article in the Blytheville Courier about the IRS accepting the Blytheville offer of $3.8 million or so to pay off the debt of $2.2 million that the ex-mayor blessed the city with. Sounds to me like another line of fools was involved in the negotiations -- $1.6 million in penalties and interest? When the truth comes out about how much attorneys made off this case should really let us know how we got our money's worth. So the city is on the hook for probably $4 million or so total when all of the fees and kickbacks are added in. How do the people of this city know this will not happen again?

It sounds as if Barney Fife and Gomer Pyle are here to represent the best interests of the Arkansas State Police and Federal Bureau of Incompetence in the current audit. They, supposedly, have been working on this for months without any results. Of course, the state police have that pesky problem with jaywalking in Tomato they have been trying to solve, and Troop C has been in remedial classes trying to learn how to spell Athelstan consistently. The fumbling bumbling idiots are still trying to find Blytheville in Arizona. So, the best interests of the taxpayers of Blytheville have again been compromised.

Our mayor and finance director could be a compared with the last administration. No, wait, the last mayor was the one who let the money get away. The finance director doesn't have experience with governmental accounting. But, hey, these little details aren't important, at least not until the next shortage shows up. And, again, the people of Blytheville get the short end of the stick.

Well, at least we have a damn fine golf course and a murder rate that has to lead the state in towns of this size. If only we could get volunteers to ride the floats in next year's Christmas Parade without bullet proof vests and helmets to ward off the candy being thrown back at them.

Johnny Hutchinson