Manila Middle School fifth and sixth grade GT students participated in the Crowley's Ridge Co-op Quiz Bow on Nov. 14.
Students had in-school tryouts to see who would make the team. Team members included Grant Wilkins-captain; Greg Grimaldo, Koby Thomas, Sawyer Crowell, Callie Weathers, Nicholas Garcia, Alissa DeLong, Kason Grissom, and Grace Wilkins.
The Manila team won the first two preliminary rounds defeating Armorel and Marked Tree. In the quarter finals the Manila team defeated Marked Tree team. Coburn, GT specialist with CRESC, worked hard to make the quiz bowl tournament a great success.
"This year's team is one of the strongest middle school teams we have ever had," Tim Bassing, Manila GT coordinator, said.
Manila is proud of the success of its students.