The Mississippi County Extension Homemakers County Council meeting was held recently at the Mississippi County Public Library Multi-Purpose Room in Blytheville. Carolyn Smallwood, County president, presented Jay Ziolko, director of the Mississippi County Library System, with an autographed copy of the 100 year history of the Arkansas Extension Homemakers book, A Splendid Piece of Work, by Elizabeth Griffin Hill. The book will be placed in the Arkansas room.
The theme was Healthy Lifestyle Choices and Torya Woods, 4-H agent for the University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture, Mississippi County Cooperative Extension Service, was the featured speaker. Mrs. Woods introduced the Healthy Lifestyle Choices curriculum that was purchased by a donation from the Mississippi County Extension Homemakers County Council. The curriculum will be used with 4-H members and other youth in the county to facilitate the development of healthy lifestyle choices.
The Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. There are currently four Extension Homemakers Clubs in Mississippi County. Anyone interested in learning more about the Extension Homemakers Clubs may contact Pamela Pruett, the Mississippi County Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent, at 870-762-2075.