November 1, 2012

A confused, distraught teenager walks into a clinic to get rid of what she views as a problem. And the doctor commits a legal murder under the guise of women's rights.

A confused, distraught teenager walks into a clinic to get rid of what she views as a problem.

And the doctor commits a legal murder under the guise of women's rights.

Once again, abortion has surfaced as one of the "social issues" during this election season. "Pro-choice" versus "pro-life."

How bludgeoning a baby is a "choice" for the living being is beyond me.

I believe life begins at conception, and that life in the womb should be protected with the same rights as a baby that leaves the hospital. Life is precious in all forms, in my view. For the record, I am a Christian who believes that along with life in the physical sense, there is a soul in the equation as well.

I just can't imagine a more immoral law than one that says because a fetus is not viable, i.e. unable to live outside the mother's wound, that gives a doctor the authority to deliver a death sentence. Who knows what that child could have been -- a genius who developed a cure for cancer, a person who served as an inspiration to others or an everyday hero.

Whomever they could have been, they've been robbed of life. According to, approximately 3,200 babies die every day from abortions and more than 54 million unborn babies have been lost to abortion since 1973 (the year abortion was legalized in the U.S.).

My wife made an interesting point the other day. A drunk driver can be charged with homicide by causing an unborn child's death in a car accident, but a doctor can perform an abortion and it's legal.

In one instance, the baby is seen as a person; but he or she isn't worthy of legal protection if the mother deems the child as a nuisance, an inconvenience who will disrupt her life.

Frankly, I don't get how a mother can legally choose to kill a moving child with a heartbeat in the womb, but the same action is a crime outside of it.

I'll never understand how a person could "choose" to murder an infant, particularly if it's a matter of convenience, not a life or death situation for the woman (I understand abortion if the woman's life is at risk).

The unborn child didn't asked to be conceived, but should have the right to live, especially considering how there are caring individuals on adoption waiting lists. There are those who desperately want a child that can't have one on their own for whatever reason. The husband and wife would love the child as their own.

Abortion denies them that right to save a life and give a child a life, a good one at that. I'm sure giving up a baby would be difficult, but I can't imagine a more painful thought than knowing one has intentionally killed something growing inside of her, a part of her.

That would haunt the woman for the rest of her life, I would think.

Once the abortion is done, there's no undoing it, only regrets remain.

I believe the person and the doctor will have to answer to God one day like any other sin.

When God commanded, "Thou shalt not kill," in my opinion that includes unborn babies.

Be clear, God loves the person, hates the sin.

But the "women's rights" argument won't fly on Judgment Day. Murder will be called murder.
