October 26, 2012

Has your party left you out? My grandfather was a staunch Democrat. He was chairman of the party in his county. My dad followed suit as did our whole family. The pentacle of their pride and support was Roosevelt and John Kennedy. As I grew up, I saw their support waiver under Johnson's term and falter under Carter's tragedy. Some hope arose under Clintons second term, then faded with his lack of morals...

To the editor:

Has your party left you out? My grandfather was a staunch Democrat. He was chairman of the party in his county. My dad followed suit as did our whole family. The pentacle of their pride and support was Roosevelt and John Kennedy. As I grew up, I saw their support waiver under Johnson's term and falter under Carter's tragedy. Some hope arose under Clintons second term, then faded with his lack of morals.

Both family patriarchs died before the Obama era. This saved them from losing the Democratic Party they had always held so dear to their beliefs. If they were still alive, they would now be independents. The Democratic Party they loved has moved away from them. They believed in personal freedom, not socialism. They were hard working blue-collar people, always willing to help those in need. They were men of faith and up held the separation of church and state. Believing this is one nation under God, our freedoms are based on our God-given rights, and then dad fought in World War II to preserve them.

These men were charter members in their church and held life sacred. Believing a baby was a gift from God and that abortion as a form of birth control was wrong. They paid their bills and lived within their means. They believed in Kennedy's statement, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" and his blue dog policies.

This year the mention of God had to be forced into the yellow dog Democratic Party platform as the crowd booed when the motion passed. How can the Democratic Party justify forcing church-owned hospitals into providing abortions on demand? Who are the yellow dogs to use taxes and the EPA as weapons and force businesses to relocate off shore? Now the yellow dogs tell us the institution of marriage, the basis of the family and the building block of society, is no longer based on the love of a man and a woman with their commitment and dedication to their children. How has the Democratic Party become so anti-Christian and Jew, so anti-capitalism and pro-socialist, and anti-business? What gives Democratic leaders the right to choose what laws to enforce and what ones to ignore? Only dictators/kings, communists and now yellow dogs do that. Has your beloved party betrayed you?

Forward is a direction, not a goal; going forward depends on what direction you are facing -- it can be up, down, right, left backward or leading nowhere. Our national debt is now greater than all Europe's combined. How far behind Greece, Italy and Spain are we to going forward over the cliff? We need jobs and sound fiscal policies, not tax and spend. It looks as if the yellow dog Democratic Party has moved off the road into the ditch and the independents moved to the left lane, the Republicans moved to the center to get hit by both lanes, the tea party has taken up the right. When the Democratic Party ran off the road, they ran over the Blue Dogs, leaving them for dead, but are they? Have they risen as independents?

RD McAvoy Blytheville
