October 11, 2012

Branum is a 1976 graduate of Blytheville High School and holds a degree in criminal justice from Kaplan University. He served in the United States Army from 1976 to 1979, and in the Blytheville Police Department from 1984 to 2004.

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Branum is a 1976 graduate of Blytheville High School and holds a degree in criminal justice from Kaplan University. He served in the United States Army from 1976 to 1979, and in the Blytheville Police Department from 1984 to 2004, when he retired as a lieutenant. He is a board member for and the official Santa Claus of Lights of the Delta, has been married for 37 years, and has four children and one grandchild.

On the county's current financial situation:

Financially, times are bad for everyone, from the individual household to government entities. Like everyone else, to improve our county financial position, we must look at wasteful spending and consolidation of county services.

On population loss, economic development, and quality of life in Mississippi County:

I am sure the only way to bring people back to Mississippi County is through economic development and education. We must educate our workforce so they have the skills required by employers and prospective employers. We must continue to aggressively seek out new employers to come here and encourage small business growth by our citizens.

On relations and communication between the county and its municipalities:

Relationships between the county and municipalities can be greatly improved with regular face to face meetings, where everyone can hear and have a say in problem solving without all the misunderstanding.

On the reduction of crime in Mississippi County:

Education is the solution to crime fighting. Education of the law enforcement community to keep up with modern techniques and changes in law. Education of the public is a key factor. We must teach our young that drug dealing is not the way. They must take the values of our parents and grandparents to heart.

On the responsibilities of a Quorum Court Justice:

My understanding of a Justice's responsibilities are that they work together to develop and work within a budget, and bring new businesses and jobs into the county. It is their sworn duty to do what is best for the citizens and to protect them and their quality of life.

Campaign statement:

My goals are to help our county government be fiscally responsible. I would like to get young people involved and to be proud of their heritage and where they live. I would like to find ways to bring new business and jobs here, and help our sheriff's office in reducing criminal activity. I would like to get all county governments to work together, and I would like to give our citizens a voice in their government.
