October 11, 2012

Langston is a graduate of Rivercrest High School, and has attended Arkansas Northeastern College and Arkansas State University. She is currently an online student of Everest University.

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Langston is a graduate of Rivercrest High School, and has attended Arkansas Northeastern College and Arkansas State University. She is currently an online student of Everest University. She has been involved in politics throughout her life, working as campaign manager for her father, who serves as the mayor of Luxora. She serves as the secretary and billing clerk for the city of Luxora, and has volunteered in her community for the past 25 years, distributing fruit baskets and toys to children and elderly residents of the area during the holiday seasons.

On the county's current financial situation:

My suggestion is unity! If we want the county to help improve the community then everyone needs to join together and be on one accord and work together as well as improving our existing resources.

On population loss in Mississippi County:

Population loss has mainly been because of lack of resources, jobs and education. I feel that having the interstate, railroads and the Mississippi river offers opportunities that we really need to use these to our advantage. By doing this it will help to improve the quality of life.

On relations and communication between the county and its municipalities:

I think the county has a good relationship with municipalities. They have monthly meetings and give current updates while sharing their views and concerns of the surrounding cities in the county. But there is always room for improvement in any area.

On the reduction of crime in Mississippi County:

In my opinion everyone will need to respect authority and work with city and county officials to help reduce crime in every area. Citizens should be willing to report incidents and form neighborhood watch teams to help assist officers in making our community safe and secure.

On the responsibilities of a Quorum Court Justice:

The Quorum court is a 13 -member board that are responsible for approving the county budget, approving the number of personnel and their salaries, filling vacancies of elected county offices, and levying taxes. Also, working with the municipalities in the county.

Campaign statement:

If elected for the position I will work diligently with the judge and board members and citizens to improve every area needed throughout each district in Mississippi County. I will be committed to my position and willing to learn new ideas to help improve our city and county where ever needed.
