October 2, 2012

The Manila Lions Club will host the 26th annual Big Lake Chili Cook-Off on Saturday. This year, there is also a Chili Pepper 5K run/walk and a duck calling contest, along with a lineup of entertainment...

The Manila Lions Club will host the 26th annual Big Lake Chili Cook-Off on Saturday. This year, there is also a Chili Pepper 5K run/walk and a duck calling contest, along with a lineup of entertainment.

Big Lake Chili Cook-Off Saturday.
Big Lake Chili Cook-Off Saturday.

The chili cook-off was the topic of the Wednesday noon meeting of the Lion Club.

President Wendell Poteet encouraged all members to turn in their sponsor list by Friday.

Lion Donna Jackson asked about waiving the booth fee for the Cub Scouts if they help with the clean-up duties. Lions voted to waive the booth fee for their clean-up efforts.

Prize money for the senior divisions include $1,000 for first place, $500 for second and $300 for third.

Junior divisions will be awarded trophies along with a People's Choice and Showmanship Awards.

All booth rental fees, chili or craft, are $30 each.

Forms for the chili cook-off are available from Thomas Jaco, Southern Bancorp, or Farmers Market in Manila.

For more information contact event chairman Lion Tony Crowell at (870) 561-5433, or Tom Jaco at 243-4042.

Chili teams should be ready to start cooking at 6 a.m. Chili should be ready to serve by 10 a.m.

The Manila Business Women will be serving breakfast at the Depot Center. They are also taking orders for their annual fried pie sale.

Entertainment at the Bandstand:

There will be entertainment at the bandstand throughout the day. Joe Chipman will serve as emcee. Brother Mathew Collier will open with prayer at 9:50 a.m. First to take the stage will be Jeff Knowlton, from 10-10:30 a.m.; Carl Thorn and Heather Smith from 10:30-11:15 a.m.; Joe Chipman from 11-11:15 a.m.; Brandon Bryant and family from 11:15-noon; and Tommy Morris from noon to 1 p.m.

The chili winners and awards will be presented at 1 p.m.

The Bryant family will close with a gospel song immediately following the final award presentation.

Duck Calling Itinerary:

Crowell said Butch Richenback, world championship duck caller and owner of RNT Ducks Calls, and Antonio Jones, current world championship duck caller, are going to be in Manila for the 2012 Chili Cook-Off.

The duck calling contest is sponsored by the Manila Lions Club and Acdustic Duck Calls. Registration for the duck calling contest and clinic will begin at 9 a.m.

There will be a Youth Duck Calling Contest at 10 a.m., followed by a Youth Duck Calling Clinic at 11 a.m. taught by Richenback.

The adult team duck calling will begin at 3 p.m., and the adult open calling at 2 p.m.

There will be a dog seminar training held at 2:30 p.m. with Garrett Meier.

5k Run:

There will also be a 5k run the morning of the chili cook-off. To register for the run in advance, log on to racesonline.com (search for event by zip code, 72442) or on ridgerider.org.

Registration will be from 6:45-7:45 a.m. at the Depot. Participants will receive their packages, which will include a T-shirt, running towel and coupons.

Crowell said local clubs from the high school will have stations set up along the running course. The run will start at 8 a.m. from the corner of Olympia and Baltimore going south toward the monument; turn north on Boston; East on Olympia; North on Dunkin, East on Lake Street, and north on Davis to the one-way street ending the run at the city shop on Dewey Street.
