September 18, 2012

Manila Lions Club President Wendell Poteet opened the Wednesday noon meeting by welcoming guests, Shaun Perkins, guest speaker, and Revis Blaylock, with the Town Crier. The Manila Lions Club meets at noon on Wednesday at the elementary school...

Manila Lions Club President Wendell Poteet opened the Wednesday noon meeting by welcoming guests, Shaun Perkins, guest speaker, and Revis Blaylock, with the Town Crier.

Shaun Perkins speaks at Manila Lions Club meeting.
Shaun Perkins speaks at Manila Lions Club meeting.

The Manila Lions Club meets at noon on Wednesday at the elementary school.

Perkins is a graduate of Manila High School and Arkansas State University. He works for the state bank department and gave an informative talk on banking.

"The State of Arkansas's banking is a shining star through the recent economic times," Perkins said.

He said banking in the state employs 18,000 people and has $59 billion in banking assets.

"We have been blessed in the state of Arkansas," he said.

Poteet introduced two prospective members, Dwight Booth and Dan Gamble. Both were accepted into the Lions Club.

Poteet reminded the members the annual Chili Cook-off is only three weeks away. This year's event will be held Oct. 6. They discussed sponsorships, 5K morning run, chili teams, judges and help.

Poteet said the Boy Scouts are willing to help and they will need one adult with them at each station. Lion Tony Crowell, chairman of the 5K run, presented a map of the route and talked about goody bags for the participants.

Anyone willing to volunteer for the run or the chili cook-off will be welcome.

Lion Leroy Douglas is coordinating entertainment and those who would like to be part of the day's lineup they may call him at 561-3062.

Forms for chili booths and craft booths are available at Farmers Market and Southern Bancorp. This year's first place chili team will win $1,000. Second place will receive $500 and third place $300. Trophies will be awarded to junior teams, People's Choice and Showmanship.

The 5K run will begin at 8 a.m. Registration will be between 6:30-7:30 a.m. Proceeds from the run will be used to provide scholarships to Manila seniors. To register for the 5K run log on to (search for event by zip code 72442); or

The Manila Business Women will also have their annual fried pie sales in conjunction with the chili cook-off.

There will also be a duck calling contest during the chili cook-off, along with other activities throughout the day. Butch Richenbauch, world championship duck caller, will be one of the guests.
