September 15, 2012

Tuesday night, the Blytheville City Council is expected to consider a measure that could improve drainage in an area of the city. The Blytheville Streets and Drainage Committee has recommended work to resolve drainage issues for East Ash and Eastwood streets. The proposed ordinance would allow the city to hire Jowers General Contracting to do the work...

Tuesday night, the Blytheville City Council is expected to consider a measure that could improve drainage in an area of the city.

The Blytheville Streets and Drainage Committee has recommended work to resolve drainage issues for East Ash and Eastwood streets. The proposed ordinance would allow the city to hire Jowers General Contracting to do the work.

According to Councilman Stan Parks, who chairs the Streets and Drainage Committee, the company would put in several storm drain boxes in the area behind Benny Bob's Barbecue. After correcting the drainage problem, the city hopes to overlay the street, which has been in need of repair for some time, Parks said.

"We have to correct the problem first," he said before fixing the street.

Fixing the drainage problem is expected to cost $19,700, which is below the $20,000 required by law to seek Council approval before doing a project. Parks said since the figure was so close to $20,000 city leaders wanted to bring it before the full Council.

Meanwhile, the Council is also considering a resolution to condemn the following properties:

-- 1701 McHaney, owner of record, Alice Foster of Blytheville.

-- 105 W. Vine, owner of record, Scott Kevghas of Glendale, Ariz.

-- 115 W. Davis, owner of record, Dry Goods Company, Inc. C/O Danny or Carolyn Bullock of Kennett.

-- 1016 S. Lilly, owner of record, Charles Valley of Blytheville.

-- 1004 Denny St., owner of record, Kyrisha Reneesa Carter of Blytheville.

In other business the Council is expected to consider:

-- A resolution authorizing short-term financing through Southern Bancorp for the $364, 640 Pierce Demonstration Pumper Truck approved at last month's meeting.

-- A resolution awarding Thompson Power Corp. of Memphis the bid for an emergency power system for the Blytheville Water Tower. According to the proposed resolution, Thompson Power's $38,791 bid was the low bid and includes all mechanical and electrical installation, labor, materials, etc. required for a complete working turn-key system.

-- A resolution reappointing Bobby Garner and Buddy Harris to the Blytheville Planning Commission. Their terms expired Sept. 10 and the new terms would expire on Sept. 10, 2020.

-- A resolution recognizing former assistant police chief Marvin Crawford for his years of service to the city. Crawford retired on Aug. 1 after 27 years of service in law enforcement. He is currently the Public Works director. The measure asks that Crawford be awarded his .40 caliber semi-automatic pistol as a token of appreciation for his service.

The Council is scheduled to meet at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the Blytheville District Courtroom.
