September 12, 2012

The Blytheville Planning Commission unanimously approved Dogwood Cottage's cost-cutting adjustments to its Planned Residential Development (PRD), Tuesday night.

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The Blytheville Planning Commission unanimously approved Dogwood Cottage's cost-cutting adjustments to its Planned Residential Development (PRD), Tuesday night.

Now developer Gardner Capital must wait for final approval from the Blytheville City Council, which meets Tuesday night.

The Springfield, Mo.-based company is building 18 duplex homes -- 36 total units -- at Dogwood and South Division. Gardner is requesting to cut back on public utility extensions in the original plans as well as reduce pavement. The developer, which closed on the land last week, wants to eliminate one of its approved, private streets and potentially shrink the originally proposed 30-foot streets to the city standard of 28 feet.

Tim Crockett of Crockett Engineering told the Planning Commission that Gardner will still utilize the same number of units and keep the same setbacks, only changing its configurations.

Tammi Creason, Gardner director of development, told the Planning Commission that allowing the adjustment would leave more in the budget for items that would benefit tenants.

"I want all of those finished products that the residents are going to see and feel," she said. "To value engineer it, if we can cut a street or something that's not going to affect the residents and the living space, they're going to appreciate the counters and the appliances. Anything that we can cost-save now on the site side of it is money toward the budget."

Creason said the company is ready to put the project out for bid and encouraged local contractors to bid on it. Plans are at the city of Blytheville's Code Enforcement office. Creason said the company hopes to begin Oct. 1 and the project would take less than a year to complete.

The "affordable housing" or "workforce housing" is designed for those of moderate income, which ranges from $22,020-$36,480 a year.

Estimated to rent at $450 a month, the duplex homes will all have three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a garage.

Meanwhile, Tuesday night, the Planning Commission also unanimously approved the EOC's request for a lot split on Debra Lane.
