Coed benefit softball tournament set for Sept. 7-8
A coed benefit softball tournament will be held at the Manila City Park Sept. 7-8. All proceeds will go toward funeral and hospital costs for the families of Breeonna and Amilia Shirley and Brian Borden.
The entry fee per team is $250. The fee is due no later than Sept. 3. Teams will need to supply their own balls. There must be an even number of men and women on the team. Teams can play 10 and bat 12. Team members must be 16 years of age to play. The first 10 teams will be accepted and entry fee will hold a spot.
For more information contact or text Heather Hill at 870-930-6714 or Ashley McGill at 870-278-8372.
Blessed by Charlotte Deaton Boston Butt sale
Friends of John and Danna Deaton will be cooking and selling Boston butts. The cost is $25 and all proceeds will go to help Baby Charlotte Deaton.
The butts should be ordered and paid for by Saturday, Sept. 1. Pick-up will be Saturday, Sept. 8, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Big Lake County Club in Manila.
For more information contact Angel Farmer at (870) 762-6286 or Jamie Muuay (870) 561-3190, or e-mail:
Bow shooting competition set for Sept. 8
American Legion Post 197, Manila, will host a bow shooting competition starting at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8, at the Post located at 401 West Lake Street.
Registration will begin at 12:30 p.m. with a $5 per shooter registration fee.
Winner will receive a trophy.
Boston butts and sandwiches will be available. To order whole Boston butts before Sept. 8, call (870) 561-3689.
The Monette First Baptist Church to host Block Party
The Monette First Baptist Church will host a block party at the city park beginning at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 29. There will be something for all ages.
Commodity Distribution date in Caraway
Caraway Housing, 325 Missouri Street, will be the location for the commodity distribution on Wednesday, Sept. 5. The distribution will begin at 9 a.m. and will last until the food is gone.
Old Fashioned Tent Revival to be held in Caraway
An old-fashioned tent revival will be held in the ballpark at the Caraway City Park Sept. 9-14. Services will begin on Sunday at 6 p.m. and Monday through Friday at 7 p.m.
The evangelist will be Brother Lisemby and family of south Arkansas.
The revival is sponsored by Rowe's Chapel Baptist Church.