August 28, 2012

The public was invited to attend a Rachel's Challenge, Start a Chain Reaction, program which has touched the lives of millions since the tragic event that took the life of Rachel Scott, along with others at Columbine High School...

The public was invited to attend a Rachel's Challenge, Start a Chain Reaction, program which has touched the lives of millions since the tragic event that took the life of Rachel Scott, along with others at Columbine High School.

J.B. Braden with Rachel's Challenge talks to Riverside students and adults following the program.
J.B. Braden with Rachel's Challenge talks to Riverside students and adults following the program.

The event was held throughout the campus during the day and was opened to the public on Thursday night, Aug. 23.

J.B. Braden was the presenter of the video and shared personal conversations with Rachel's family. Rachel was the first victim of the Columbine shooting on April 20, 1999 with 10 killed and 12 wounded.

Through Rachel's essays, diaries, and writings her family took her goals and her words to create a foundation to start a "chain reaction" of kindness.

The family received many emails and letters filled with kindnesses Rachel had shown during her short life.

Rachel wrote of looking for the best in others.

Braden talked about his day at Riverside and the establishing of "Friends for Rachel" Club for the students.

He encouraged them to follow Rachel's advice and choose positive influences, reach out to new students, those with special needs, and others to start a chain reaction of kindness.

"What Rachel did, each one of you can do," he said. "Many famous people have become spokesmen for Rachel's Challenge.

Chuck Norris dedicated his biography book to the memory of Rachel.

Her friends shared some of their memories on the video of how she had changed their lives by just showing kindness.

Rachel's message of kindness has been shared with millions.

For more information on Rachel's Challenge, log on to or the facebook.

Riverside Principal LeeAnn Harrell thanked Mr. Braden for bringing the message to school. She said she is looking forward to implementing the Friends for Rachel Club and starting a chain reaction of kindness.
